Nurturing Your Vision through Follow-Up Care After Retinal Detachment Surgery

The Roadmap to Resilience Your decision to undergo retinal detachment surgery sets the stage for a transformative chapter. Beyond the surgical procedure, the path to lasting clarity involves a roadmap that prioritizes diligent follow-up care. At Joshi Eye Institute, our commitment is to be your guiding light, offering insights that empower you to nurture and […]

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4 Signs You Could Be Experiencing a Retinal Detachment

Mature Man Looking Away

Retinal detachment occurs when the vitreous, a gel-like substance in your eye, moves away from the retina. As a result of this, a retinal detachment can occur. This tearing can eventually cause your retina to detach from the back of the eye. Retinal detachment is a medical emergency that requires repair through surgery. Early diagnosis […]

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Can You Treat a Retinal Tear?

Couple biking

The retina is a layer of photosensitive tissue at the back of the eye that sends signals to your brain and makes it possible to see. Conditions that affect the retina can severely affect vision and even lead to blindness. Joshi Eye Institute offers effective treatment for retinal tears. A retina tear is not painful, […]

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The Importance of Retina Health

Seniors preparing food

Eye diseases related to the retina are some of the most common vision problems worldwide. While some may not be preventable because of genetics, others are avoidable. Keep reading to find out why a healthy retina is key for good vision! Why is a Healthy Retina Vital for Your Vision? The retina, located at the […]

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