Older couple smiling after retinal tear treatment

The retina is a layer of photosensitive tissue at the back of the eye that sends signals to your brain and makes it possible to see. Conditions that affect the retina can severely affect vision and even lead to blindness.

Joshi Eye Institute offers effective treatment for retinal tears. A retina tear is not painful, and you will not feel it as it happens. But you may notice the following signs:

  • Light flashes
  • A shadow like a curtain closed from the side
  • Black spots in your vision (floaters)
  • Blurred vision

What Is A Retinal Tear?

The middle of your eye contains a clear gel called vitreous that’s attached to the retina. Normally, the vitreous will flow away from your retina without causing any problem.

There are instances where the vitreous pulls hard enough to tear the retina. Doctors use dilated eye exams, ophthalmic ultrasound, and sclera depression to diagnose retinal tears.

Risk Factors of Developing A Retinal Tear

You have a higher likelihood of getting a retinal tear if you have any of the following:

  • Sagging vitreous
  • Diabetes, especially advanced
  • Previous eye surgery
  • History of eye trauma
  • Family history of retinal tears
  • Retinal disorders and aging can also make the retina thin

Treatment of Retinal Tears

To treat a retinal tear, the doctor creates scar tissue around the damaged area. This is to prevent fluid from leaking out using the following methods:

Laser Photocoagulation

During this procedure, your doctor uses aesthetic drops to numb your eye. Then, the laser is focused on the tear.

The laser releases a light that burns the area close to the retinal tear to form scar tissue. This tissue helps to seal the tear and prevent fluid from seeping underneath your retina, which can result in detachment.

Once this fairly painless procedure is over, your doctor may give you a topical steroid to prevent any inflammation. The ophthalmologist will then tell you to rest for a couple of days and avoid strenuous activities to enable the scar to form. This will be what lets your eye heal.


During cryopexy, your ophthalmologist will use eye drops to dilate your pupils and numb your eye. The doctor will then use the cryoprobe to freeze the area around the tear.

When it heals, the resulting scar closes off the damage. There will be redness in the treated eye and some discomfort, but they will go away after a few days. Your ophthalmologist will tell you to not engage in strenuous activities until the eye heals.

After the procedure, the doctor will give you instructions that include restrictions on sudden head movements as the scar will take time to be at full strength.

For both procedures, your ophthalmologist will follow up with you after 1 or 2 weeks. Follow-up is essential after treatment of retinal tears as they may reoccur.

Preserve Your Vision

It’s crucial to have a retinal tear treated in time. Reduced vision and the abrupt appearance of flashes and floaters are all possible early signs of retinal tear.

Going to your ophthalmologist for early diagnosis and treatment will help decrease the risk of developing a retinal detachment, and save your vision.

Concerned about retinal tears? We offer both cryopexy and laser therapy to treat retinal tears. Schedule an appointment at Joshi Eye Institute in Boynton Beach, FL!