If you’re excited to have cataract surgery and get your clear vision back, it’s important to take the necessary steps to have a seamless recovery.

Fortunately, cataract surgery is an almost painless procedure. Any discomfort afterward is easy to mitigate with prescription eye drops or medications.

Besides, the entire procedure is less than 30 minutes, and the recovery time is minimal. Keep reading for 6 tips to follow for the smoothest cataract surgery recovery!

1. Find Someone to Drive You After Cataract Surgery

Once you’ve had cataract surgery, your vision may be a little blurry. For this reason, you can’t drive yourself home.

Find a friend or family member that can drive you home and make sure you get inside safely. Ultimately, your eye doctor will give you the go-ahead to drive again after your initial follow-up appointment.

Until you can drive again, your friend or family member can make sure you get where you need to go in the meantime.

2. Adhere to All Your Doctor’s Instructions and Never Miss Your Follow-Up Appointments

After cataract surgery, your eye doctor will give you instructions vital to your healing. Some of them will include:

  • Making sure you complete your course of antibiotics to prevent any infections and complications
  • Not wearing makeup for two to three weeks after the procedure
  • Wearing sunglasses that protect your eyes from UV rays whenever you go outside
  • Staying in a dust-free environment and not cleaning any dusty areas
  • Contacting your eye doctor immediately if you experience light flashes, persistent pain, nausea, vomiting, or vision loss after cataract surgery

Further, follow-up appointments are a critical part of your recovery. Your ophthalmologist will be able to check your healing progress closely and, if needed, prescribe medication.

3. Avoid Any Strenuous Activities

For the first few weeks, you need to avoid any strenuous activities, including heavy lifting. It doesn’t matter if your eyes feel strong enough after the first several days.

You should not complete any tough work as it can strain your eyes and interfere with the healing process.

4. Do Not Use Your Hot Tub or Swim

Following cataract surgery, your eye is basically an open wound. Swimming or using your hot tub during the first week or two can result in an infection.

You can take a shower after cataract surgery as long as you don’t drench your face with water. This will allow your eyes to heal properly.

Instead, you can use a damp face cloth or face wipes to thoroughly cleanse your face during the first week.

5. Don’t Rub Your Eyes or Expose them to the Wind or Dust

Rubbing your eyes can put undue strain on your eyes as they recuperate. If you want your eyes to heal naturally and quickly, do not expose your eyes to dust, wind, and other irritants.

6. Steer Clear from Harsh Lighting

Your laptop, smart devices, and TV are examples of harsh, flashing lights. Whenever possible, avoid harsh lighting and use dim lamps.

It’s also important to rest your eyes as often as possible for a quicker recovery.

Looking for Top-Rated Cataract Surgery Experts?

Following the above tips can reduce potential risks that may interfere with proper healing after cataract surgery. The eye doctors at Joshi Eye Institute specialize in the correction of vision problems and transforming lives.

Worried about cataracts and having cataract surgery? Schedule a cataract screening at Joshi Eye Institute in Boynton Beach, FL, now!