Your eyesight enables you to see the world around you and keeps you safe. It’s critical to your health and quality of life.

Routine eye exams can help in the early detection of vision problems and prevent permanent loss of vision. But it’s also essential to visit your ophthalmologist right away if you have any eye infection.

Keep reading to learn about seven signs that you should see an eye doctor about an eye infection. Remember, prompt medical attention can save your eyesight.

Eye Redness

Minor redness can be due to fatigue, wearing contacts for extended periods, or allergies. It usually resolves on its own.

But if the redness doesn’t go away and has an accompanying discharge, severe itching, pain, or swelling, this could be a sign of a severe eye infection. If you have a combination of those symptoms, contact your eye doctor as soon as possible.

Foreign Objects

Dirt, sand, or dust can blow into your eyes and cause an infection if not removed. Often, these particles get stuck below the upper eyelid and, with time, cause an infection in your eye.

If you have discharge from your eye or experience extreme discomfort, make an appointment with your eye doctor.

Blurry Vision

Blurry vision that clears up after some time may be a result of various causes. For instance, if you’ve just woken up or stayed awake for too long.

Excessive alcohol consumption can also cause blurry vision. All these shouldn’t be cause for alarm. However, if the blurriness persists, schedule a visit with your eye doctor immediately. 

Eye Pain

You should never ignore eye pain. Although it could be a sign of dry eye, it could also signal an injury, sinusitis, or ulcers.

Eye pain could also point to a more severe condition like glaucoma, a scratched cornea, or eye cancer. When in doubt, don’t take chances with your eyes. Schedule a checkup appointment.

Continuous Itching

When itching, discharge, and a burning sensation are all present in your eye, it could be an infection. These symptoms could be due to a variety of things, including:

  • Herpes simplex virus
  • Fungus
  • Bacteria
  • Expired eye drops

See your ophthalmologist without delay to prevent the condition from worsening. 

Floaters and Spots

Seeing spots, floaters, or both in your field of vision could be a sign of uveitis from a bacterial infection. Left untreated, it can damage your eyesight fast. Therefore, it’s best to consult an eye care specialist at once.

Decreased Vision

Has your vision declined, and do you have eye pain? You may have keratitis, which is the inflammation of the cornea.

Keratitis is a severe eye condition that can lead to partial or complete vision loss. So, make sure you see your eye doctor quickly for an accurate diagnosis and prompt treatment. 

See Your Eye Doctor For Concerning Eye Issues

Although a lot of infections go away on their own, some conditions can threaten your eyesight. The eye doctors at Joshi Eye Institute recommend scheduling an urgent appointment to ensure your eyes are healthy.

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, visit your eye doctor promptly for an accurate diagnosis and proper treatment. 

Do you suspect you have an eye infection? Schedule an appointment at Joshi Eye Institute in Boynton Beach, FL, today!